Tuesday, July 28, 2009


cant really put a thumb on this latest addition to "collection" of songs.... A lot of mixed feelings in it.... yup... another sad one... kinda being too much at the end i guess... will edit when there are better words ba... i guess....



安抚你 忐忑的心

我懂 太多气你的话语
却懂 太少逗你的话题
想说 太多太多的我爱你
怎么如今变成了 对不起

我给 太多伤你的记忆
却给 太少快乐的回忆
想说 太多太多的对不起
让你生气却没让 你消气

好想失忆 来换你的开心

Friday, July 24, 2009

Learning 2....

3 mths have past since and many things have happened.......
There are things that made me realise that sometimes.... There is really no hard and fast rule to everything.... There are 101 ways of doing something... 101 ways to say the same words to someone.... i just feel that everything that I have been doing just happen to be in the wrong way.... *sigh...

Thinking of a song right now... but too many thoughts coming round... trying too hard to express one feeling that seems that the lyrics are "forced" to match that... probably thats why the song doesnt come out right....

Heard of many sad stories around... Probably made me feel a little affected as well...... Cant help feeling down that nothing I do seem to be right.... Nothing I say can help....

如果爱她... 就得学习放开她....如果她也一样爱你她会留在你的身边....