Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chinese 牛 Year 2009

This year was a rather tight-scheduled year... We visited like 1 additional relative this year...

Apart from that, my Aunt revealed a heart-warming family history to us...
The additional relative that we visited was actually my 3rd Grand-Aunt (Grandma's 3rd younger sister).

They are actually the only 2 biological sisters in the family. Our eldest Grand-aunt has passed away, which leaves the 2 of them. The story is that our Great-Grandfather was actually from a wealthy family....
He had 2 wives,1st Grand-aunt, Grandma and 3rd Grand-aunt were the children of the first wife, the 2nd wife had 10 children, the rest of our Grand-aunts and Grand-uncles. When they were very young, Grandma actually looked after the 10 children as though they were biological sibilings even though they were only step-siblings... Until today.. all the younger Grand-aunts and Grand-uncles still look up to Grandma as a respected elder in the family...

Cheers to Grandma =)

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